The DD/lg Collection Is Here!

The DD/lg Collection Is Here!

It's probably no surprise to anyone who's been following my life for any great length of time, that meeting Harry 2 years ago was one of the best things that ever happened to me, but rarely do any of my vanilla friends or followers question why.

As I'm sure most of you know, DD/lg stands for Daddy Dom/little girl, which is a description of the feeling of the dynamic. It's different from a familial father/daughter relationship because it embodies romantic love, as well as both personal and sexual gratification. Plus, we chose each other. Due to the intimate feelings involved in a DD/lg dynamic, an intense bond forms between a girl and her Daddy, that can be as deep and meaningful as a familial father/daughter bond, if not deeper in the absence of an actual father.

My Daddy empowers me with "Big Daddy Energy" to be the best, most vibrant version of myself by regularly reassuring me that I'm the most important, precious thing in his world. This makes me want nothing more than to make him beam with pride at every possible opportunity, whether he's physically present or not. This could be anything from doing well managing my diabetes, to building my photography studio, to driving somewhere by myself, to going to the gym, to not giving up on a blowjob after almost choking to death from a face fucking. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘„πŸ†πŸ’¦πŸ₯΅

I don't identify as a little because I think it implies an age regression component, or specific aged personality ("my little is 6"/"my middle is 12" etc), and I don't feel I have that, or if I do, it ranges so widely it may as well be non-existent. That said, moments with Daddy make me feel subordinate in a respectful way where I look up to him as a father-figure, and it gives me almost a nostalgic feeling for moments in my childhood/youth where I had - or in a perfect world, should have had - similar feelings. These feelings correspond most strongly with ages or specific periods of my previous lives, and during those moments, I like to immerse myself in the feeling by enhancing it with juvenile things or aesthetics. This can be something as innocent as me holding a Squishmallow, safe, naked and vulnerable; with a fuzzy blanket against my skin, in Daddy's bed; eating snacks and playing video games, while he's in the same room, fully clothed, doing grownup stuff on the computer…or it can translate into bare-handed, over the knee spankings and being told I'm a good girl, to fucking in unicorn onesies on my birthday, in that weird way kinks go sometimes. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ¦„

Having a Daddy has taught me to put a filter on the chatter in my extremely anxious brain, one that only allows the good, peaceful thoughts and ideas to permeate the rest of me. As a result, I've never felt more grounded, supported, and secure with myself in my whole life! Having Harry as my Daddy and being in a BDSM relationship for over 2 years has done more for my mental well-being than a lifetime of therapy! 🚫πŸ₯ΌπŸ’ŠπŸ‘

So that's what DD/lg is for me. When I say I live it 24/7 it's because Harry is never not Daddy, and I carry his Big Daddy Energy everywhere I go, all day, every day. πŸ’•πŸ˜ŠβœŒοΈ

Long story short: My Daddy makes me feel invincible!


Considering the fact Harry and I are in a 24/7, DD/lg dynamic, it should also come as no surprise to anyone following my life for any length of time, that my artwork is starting to reflect that reality by way of my girls. Suddenly they find themselves in adult situations, like sleeping on erect penises jizzing glitter, or thinking adult things about their Daddies with a capital "D".

So, to celebrate the happiness, joy, and stability that having a Daddy has given me, and so many others I've met in the kink community over the past 2 years, I started creating The DD/lg Collection! Really, the impetus for creating this entire shop! The collection will be one-stop shopping for DD/lg-themed merch and apparel for us, by one of us!

Currently there are only two designs in the collection, "Dream Daddy" and "Daddy's Grrrl", but I have about a dozen more waiting in the wings, that I plan to create and release over the cold months. When it's storming outside this winter, I'll be bundled under my pink fuzzy blanket, on my daybed, in my carport, surrounded by Squishmallows, snacks, and Diet Coke, designing more DD/lg-themed merch for all the misfits, fuckups, and littles in my life! Yay!

Be sure to sign up for my potential newsletter to get updates on when new merch is added to the collection! The link is at the bottom of every page of this site!

In the meantime, please check out what I've made so far, and check back often for new stuff! 😊✌️✨

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